Monday 17 September 2012

Wild flower meadow, delicious free apple
Ripe apple pips

Pacifist Wisdom

Surprise and delight this morning, tuning into BBC radio 3 at 10.30a.m. to hear Satish Kumar, peace campaigner, environmental activist, and editor of the magazine 'Resurgence' featured as the guest for this week talking on the subject of peace, to mark the International Day of Peace this Friday 21st September. Tune in daily to hear his wise words and choice of music. This morning was Yehudi Menuhin, Vedic mantras, Ravi Shankar and George Harrison. Fill in the music questionnaire on or go to Isle of Wight Council website, to put your points/suggestions on the proposals for streamlining the Island music service provision.

Satish spoke of ‘soil, soul, and social’ being at the heart of peace, ‘we are part of nature not separate from it’.

Also this week on BBC radio 3, at 10.45p.m. are five programmes on 'The Essay, Beyond Silent Spring' exploring Rachel Carson’s ground breaking book from the 1960s ‘Silent Spring’, which rang the alarm bells about the use of chemicals to control and eradicate insects, and the terrible legacy this would leave in its wake.

Hundreds of bees were feasting on the flowering ivy along the cliff path through Sandown last week, making the most of the free bonanza, along with a host of hoverflies. Long may this continue.

A cricket making lovely music along the path near Lake station – a postman and Council worker both stopped to ask if I’d lost something, seeing me hunched over the path trying to take some shots of this little critter, they looked bemused when I told them what I was doing.    

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