Monday 24 September 2012

Badger Humbug

Wildlife day at the Riverside centre on Saturday culminated in  the 'badger' slot, where information and de bunking  of myths and mis-information about the spread of TB was given. The finale was the appearance of the mild mannered Rock star Brian May, who spoke eloquently of the need to oppose the cull for various reasons. All of which can be found by going to the website where you can also sign the petition opposing the cull.

This is a poster I made in support of 'team badger' online petition
It's a tough life being born wild, especially if you're a badger. What with new buildings being built so close to their sets they have to up sticks and move to ever shrinking areas, often disorientated and vulnerable having lost their familiar foraging patches. Snares, like torture implements from the middle ages cause slow and agonising deaths to trapped badgers. Not everyone takes the view that they're creatures of charm and character, that enrich our lives, and add to our dwindling bio-diversity of species.The famous peasant poet, John Clare wrote a poem 'Badger' as witness to events in his time, which is a harrowing read.

We were also treated to a peek at some delightful little creatures by the  Isle of Wight 'bat man'  Graham Street, three different species of bat had their moment in the spotlight, to be returned to the tender care of Graham and his wife, Donna.


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