Friday 24 February 2012

Dates for your diary

This Sunday 26th February there will be a beach clean at Colwell Bay, meet at 10.30 in the car park to pick up bags (end of Colwell Chine Road).

On the 1st March at Quay arts, Red Tie theatre will be performing a play called 'The Consultation' written by a local poet and playwright. There will be a short performance of '7 Jewish Children' to follow. For more information click the link.  

To mark International women's day on the 8th March the New Carnival Company will be holding accessory workshops on Saturday 10th March for more information call Alison on 717868, or text 07807370179

Cloud scape yesterday

A peace walk will take place on Sunday 11th March at 11a.m. in Appley Park. More details to follow on this.

'A poetry evening with a difference' at Quay arts features the poet Mario Petrucci. Which will take place on Friday 23rd March.

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