Saturday 28 April 2012

Tree time

Friday 4th May is Midori-no-hi 'Green day' in Japan which is dedicated to appreciating nature as well as to counting your blessings. This day is also celebrated in USA and known as Arbor day, which is the old name for tree.

In keeping with this theme there will be a picnic (weather permitting) under one of the magnificent trees in Appley Park, Ryde.

Meet at 4p.m. by the Pitch and putt building (near car park, cafe & lifeboat station)
Bring a tea time treat, a drink and something to sit on.

All welcome

Saturday 21 April 2012

April blessings


If ever I saw blessing in the air
I see it now in this still early day
Where lemon-green the vaprous morning drips
Wet sunlight on the powder of my eye.

Blown bubble-film of blue, the sky wraps round
Weeds of warm light whose every root and rod
Splutters with soapy green, and all the world
Sweats with the bead of summer in its bud.

If ever I heard blessing it is there
Where birds in trees that shoals and shadows are
Splash with their hidden wings and drops of sound
Break on my ear their crests of throbbiing air.

Pure in the haze the emerald sun dilates,
The lips of sparrows milk the mossy stones,
While white as water by the lake a girl
Swims her green hand among the gathered swans.
Now, as the almond burns its smoking wick,
Dropping small flames to light the candled grass;
Now, as my low blood scales its second chance,
If ever world were blessed, now it is.

Laurie Lee

Forget- me- not

April eye-spy

Dates for your diary

Dates for your diary

Peace meeting & activity
Thursday 26th April
2p.m. - 4p.m.
Conference room (left hand entrance) Co-operative funeral care centre,
Corner of the Fairway, Sandown
All welcome

Walk with compassionSupporting the charity 'Compassion in World Farming' which is working towards ending factory farming,
A gentle walk around Quarr Abbey and its grounds, stop for refreshments afterwards in the cafe.
Sunday 13th May. Meet at 11a.m. in Quarr Abbey car park, follow the signs from the main entrance. Dogs are welcome, please keep them on a normal lead, and clean up after your dog.
Donations to the charity are welcome, which can be made online at the CIWF website, or on the day through the donation tins.

Friday 13 April 2012

April showers

Spring Walk at Pennyfeathers, Ryde

A welcoming sunlit morning greeted people ready for the walk around Pennyfeathers. Prepared with wet weather gear in case of sudden showers, we trouped off along the path squelching our way through puddles, bouyed up by the scent and sight of blackthorn in full bloom, a throng of bird song filling the air:- chiff chaff, great tit, green finch etc. We wound our way over stiles, slid along sodden paths and crouched amongst wildflowers, chewed wild garlic just coming into flower in the wood. Amongst the ancient woodland and trickling stream at the back of Smallbrook junction a carpet of wood anemones, primroses, violets and tail end of celandines flowered, elusive birds sang in the tree tops, a black cap was spotted.

This fragile place is protected by the surrounding countryside and fields. Concerned residents of Ryde are aware of how easily development, houses, roads etc. can leave the small pockets left behind become dumping grounds for litter and habitat destruction. Wildlife is threatened by encroaching human activities, the domestic pet is notorious for predating wild birds, mice, red squirrels, hares, rabbits, voles, shrews, etc., and foxes and badgers lose vital room to roam bringing them into contact and conflict with traffic and human and pet problems.

Dark clouds appeared on the horizon, and the rain started just as we gathered to say our goodbyes and depart.

When you take a walk along footpaths, fields and copses, you realise how close places are, and how roads have distorted our perspective of the distance we need to travel to get from one place to another. If you are in good health it can make a welcome change to get off the monotonous grey slick of pavements and roads and encounter the variety of different surfaces, and textures under foot.

Further walks around this area are being planned, one starting from St.Johns station to Sharon apple orchard, and the other to mark the changes in flora and fauna from the path by Busy Bees to Smallbrook and back.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Human rights & wrongs

After the release of 'The Lady' of Burma, last year the suffering of ordinary Burmese people  continues. To find out more about the situation in Burma and for ways to help the vulnerable and suffering please click on the link below.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Compassion in world farming

 On Sunday 13th May, there will be a 'Walk with Compassion' on the island. This will be in support of the charity 'Compassion in World Farming'. The major event organised by CIWF is a 10km sponsored trek, starting and finishing at Shalford Park in Guildford, Surrey, ours will be a more moderate walk. The details of which will be posted shortly. In the meantime you might like to help chickens by signing and making this lovely origami hen, download the instructions by clicking on the link below.

One step at a time

Yesterdays walk around the lake at Sandown, started with a short sitting meditation linking with the Trafalgar sit in London being led by Thich Nhat Hanh. During the walk around the lake two injured Coots were taken away by the RSPCA to be assessed for treatment. It was good to see the valuable work the RSPCA representatives do first hand. Whilst walking there was plenty to experience around the lake and on it, the sound of the dry reeds shaking in the breeze, the waterfowl moving and calling to each other, the children and adults playing on the equipment in the park and the waves lapping on the shore. In the more shrubby areas children were playing amongst the trees riding their scooters and expressing their freedom to roam. There were daffodils, daisies and other plants to admire, trees with glossy buds about to burst, and pussy willow, dangling tassels and pale,young leaves, pollen for insects. A chill in the air, and a sombre sky still bought rich rewards.

Crane mandalas